Insurance Providers

Insurance providers have partnered with the TankSure® Program to turn the oil tank from a risk and information blind spot into a marketing opportunity. The TankSure Program uses proven engineering standards to reduce the risk of oil tank leaks and property damage. When oil heat marketers sign up for TankSure, they have access to liability reduction tools that will significantly reduce the risk of oil leaks or spills and provide homeowners services with greater value.

Reduce Risk for Oil Heating Companies

Do you represent marketers in the oil heat industry? TankSure is a must-have tool for risk reduction in the fuel delivery and heating service industry. When you insure an oil dealer, you want them to be on this program because it significantly reduces risk for the company and their customers. TankSure offers trickle-down value, benefiting your insurance company, your oil dealer clients, and their customers.

TankSure’s ultrasonic tank testing and proactive tank replacement program is an environmental remediation strategy that will help clients in the oil heat industry to…

  • Lower risk of oil tank leaks
  • Reduce liability
  • Minimize safety hazards

Reduce Risk for Homeowners

As an insurance provider promoting the TankSure Program and its benefits, you are not only helping your customers protect their homes; you are also spreading awareness of technological advances in the oil industry and ways the fuel has become even better for the environment in recent history. Work with local home comfort providersrealtors, and home inspectors to share the benefits of this program to more homeowners.